Acquiring a rental property is exciting and daunting as you realize the many decisions you’ll need to make in the coming months and years. While some people are up for the challenge and eager to dive in and learn all the details, others would prefer to create a second...
Having great tenants is critical for long-term success in the rental market. Great tenants keep minimize vacancies, reduce the risk of damage and neglect, and create peace of mind for landlords. Attracting the right renter takes some forethought and effort that is...
Many research groups have invested time, energy, and resources analyzing the benefits of stable housing for individuals and communities. The list of positive outcomes is extensive and persuasive, especially regarding the long-term impact on children. Access to...
There’s nothing more discouraging than realizing that the investment home you’ve put your time, sweat, and energy into is bearing the brunt of a tenant’s property abuse. The value of a well-written lease agreement suddenly becomes invaluable when faced with assessing...
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